

The complete set of abstracts will be published on the conference website. In order to include a contribution to the scientific program, it is necessary to provide at least an abstract (by April 30).

All accepted full-text papers (delivered strictly before April 30, 2022, in English only) will be published (in online form) in peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings through AIP Publishing (American Institute of Physics), indexed in leading databases, such as Conference Proceedings Citation Index (part of Web of Sciences), Scopus (Elsevier), Inspec etc. The corresponding authors can expect an e-mail request (directly from AIP Publishing) to sign the Copyright License Agreement Form (after the conference during the summer). The online version of the Conference Proceedings will be published later, but surely in year 2022. The participants will subsequently receive an email notification about the possibility of downloading the contributions (free of charge). Details for publication in Conference Proceedings are described below.

Instructions for publication in Conference Proceedings:

All complete texts of papers will be written in English according to the template. Or click on the link from the AIP website. The authors are requested to submit the papers in electronic form of the camera-ready paper as a file written scrupulously according to the template in the text editor Microsoft Word (*.docx only) and also transferred to Adobe Reader Acrobat (.pdf format) with embedded fonts to the e-mail address by April 30, 2022. The program committee will send the copies to referees and supervise the reviewing process. Contributions received after this date may not be included in the Conference Proceedings. One main (first) author can publish only one contribution in Conference Proceedings. We recommend writing your contribution directly to the template! The contribution to the Conference Proceedings should have more than 2 pages.

Caution: the AIP template has "Letter" format not A4.


Hotel Patria

APCOM is the 27 th international conference in the series of events started in the year 1995 with the workshop Solid State Physics and Radioactive Irradiation.

This year will be held in the Hotel Patria, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras, Slovak Republic.

© Copyright 2022,  APCOM'22