
General Information


Registration and lodging of participants will be provided at the registration desk, which will be opened at Hotel Patria, Štrbské Pleso on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 from 11:00 to 14:00 CET. Lunch at 12:00 to 14:00 CET. Opening ceremony preliminary at 15:00 CET.

Presentation facitilies:

A PC video-data projector (Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2016, 2013 or 2007 software is recommended) will be available for oral presentations. If you need some special equipment, hardware or software, please contact the conference administrator. Poster created on a sheet of paper must not exceed A0 format (width 841 mm; height 1189 mm).

Form of presentation:

Introductory lectures (20 min.), contributed (15 min.) oral presentations including discussions and the poster sessions are planned.


The official language of all presentations is English.


Hotel Patria

APCOM is the 27 th international conference in the series of events started in the year 1995 with the workshop Solid State Physics and Radioactive Irradiation.

This year will be held in the Hotel Patria, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras, Slovak Republic.

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