16th International conference
June 16-18, 2010 - Malá Lučivná , Slovakia

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Social program - A trip to Jánošíkove diery a Malý Rozsutec

Jánošíkove diery or simply Diery(the Holes) are family of rifts and canyons in the Krivanska Malá Fatra. The Holes are situated in the Rozsutec national nature reserve and consist of three connected parts: Dolné diery – Lower holes, Nové diery – New holes and Horné diery – Upper holes. Holes’ brook that flows trough them.

In Jánošíkove diery there are more than 20 waterfalls that all together create The Waterfalls of Holes’ brook. Bizarre rock formations with the specific climate are the house of several interesting kinds of fauna and flora.

Jánošíkove diery

Malý Rozsutec Peak (1344m) belongs to the Kriváň part of the Malá Fatra Mountains. Its table-mountain appearance is very distinguished and striking. Cliffs and rocky features form its slopes. Its summit providing spectacular views has been declared a national nature reserve.

Malý Rozsutec

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Deadline: April 30, 2010

Modified June, 7, 2010

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