15th International conference
June 24-26, 2009 - Liptovský Ján, Bystrá, Slovakia

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Publishing in Conference Proceedings

All complete texts of papers will be written in English. The submitted manuscripts written in English will be published in peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings. The authors are requested to submit the papers in an electronic form (template Proceedings) of the full text of the paper as a file written in the text editor Microsoft Word (*.doc, or *.rtf, only) to the e-mail address before May 15th, 2009.

For the title page of single- or multiple-authored manuscripts it is recommended to include the full postal, followed by e-mail address of the first author. All papers should be typed in camera-ready form with 1.5 spacing (12 pt. Times New Roman font) for colourless offset printing, not exceeding the standard A4 size paper with 2.5 cm margins, bottom 3 cm. At most 4 sheets including tables, figures and references are required. Photographs cannot be accepted.

Publishing in Journal of Electrical Engineering

Prospective authors are encouraged to consider submitting also an extended version of their contribution that after peer-review process can be published in the Journal of Electrical Engineering (Elektrotechnicky casopis), indexed in Thomson-Reuter SCIE, SCOPUS Elsevier and INSPEC, IET scientific databases. The authors are requested to submit the papers in an electronic form (template JEE) as a file written in the text editor Microsoft Word (*.doc) at the registration desk in June 24th, 2009.


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Today is February 19, 2025

Deadline May 15, 2009

Modified March, 17, 2009

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