Ing. Vladimír Kršjak, PhD.
Dr Krsjak received his PhD in nuclear power engineering from the Slovak University of Technology in 2008, on the topic of non-destructive characterization of radiation effects in nuclear materials. He continued as a post-doc researcher at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (Netherlands), in the Safety of Future Nuclear Reactors' Unit. In 2012 he joined the Laboratory for Nuclear Materials at the Swiss Paul Scherrer Institute. During his postdoctoral appointments, he has worked with leading experts in the field of radiation materials science.
He took part in several international irradiation experiments involving thermal and fast reactor irradiation, spallation neutron target irradiation and ion bombardment, focussing on the potential life extension of the current nuclear reactor fleet as well as on material challenges for the future of nuclear power. He has presented over 25 lectures at international conferences and scientific symposia, including several invited talks. In 2017 he returned to his alma mater and joined the nuclear material research group.
Together with his colleagues, he collaborates with research and academic institutions in China, Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Russia and the USA.