- Plenary Session - Introductory lectures
Hricovini K., Richter M. C., Heckmann O., Djukic U., Nikolaï L., Ndiaye, Mariot J.-M., Wang W., Leandersson W. M., Balasubramanian T., Sadowski J., Kanski J., Vobornik I., Fujii J., Feyer V., Barrett N., Minár J
Growth and dynamics of Bi thin films on InAs (111) surfaces -
Kollár P., Olekšáková D., Vojtek V., Füzer J., Birčáková Z., Fáberová M., Bureš R.
Magnetic properties of iron-phenolformaldehyde resin soft magnetic composites in dc and ac magnetic fields
- Flaska M.
Development of a high-efficiency fast-neutron detector- Áč V., Kasala J., Hujová E., Ličková M.
Practical experiences in AFM diagnostics of selected non-ferrous metal alloy
Hricovini K., Richter M. C., Heckmann O., Djukic U., Nikolaï L., Ndiaye, Mariot J.-M., Wang W., Leandersson W. M., Balasubramanian T., Sadowski J., Kanski J., Vobornik I., Fujii J., Feyer V., Barrett N., Minár J
- Session 1(A) - Nuclear science and technology, influence of irradiation on physical properties of materials, radiation detection I.
Dujčíková L., Vrban B., Haščík J., Slugeň V.
Stability analysis of nuclear reactor with change in eigenvalue – cylindrical geometry -
Čerba Š., Vrban B., Lüley J., Nečas V., Haščík J.
Development of multigroup neutron cross section library for fast reactor calculations -
Zaťko B., Šagátová A., Boháček P., Sekáčová M., Arbet J., Nečas V.
The thermal neutron detection using 4H-SiC detectors with 6LiF conversion layer
Jakubec J., Kutiš V., Gálik G., Paulech J.
Parametric study of bypass influence on mixing processes of VVER440 fuel assembly -
Šagátová A., Zaťko B., Sedlačková K., Nečas V., Daráţová Ľ.
Gallium arsenide detectors with 6LiF layer for thermal neutron detection
Dujčíková L., Vrban B., Haščík J., Slugeň V.
- Session 1(B) - New materials and structures (incl. nanostructures and thin films), their analysis and specific applications I.
Sitek J., Dekan J., Sedlačková K., Novák P., Gokhman A.
Analysis of minerals from Antartica -
Váry T., Nádaždy V., Čík G., Cirák J.
Density of states of poly(3-alkylthiophene)s determined using energy resolved electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Neilinger P., Ţemlička M. , Rehák M., Grajcar M.
Evidence of Little–Parks oscillations in an array of μm–sized MoC loops with nanowires, detected by gigahertz resonator response method -
Sečianska K., Šoltýs J., Truchlý M., Dérer J., Cambel V.
Fabrication of double cantilever sensor for study of magnetic microstructures
Sitek J., Dekan J., Sedlačková K., Novák P., Gokhman A.
- Session 2(A) - Nuclear science and technology, influence of irradiation on physical properties of materials, radiation detection II.
Veterníková J. Š., Degmová J., Slugeň V., Pekarčíková M., Šimko F., Petriska M., Skarba M.
Hot corrosion study of stainless steels for nuclear reactors -
Paulech J., Jakubec J., Gálik G., Kutiš V., Murín J., Gogola R., Hrabovský J., Sedlár T.
Thermo-hydraulic behaviour of coolant in nuclear reactor VVER-440 during outage -
Degmová J., Fedorov A., Magielsen L.
SEM study of ferritic-martensitic and austenitic steels irradiated in contact with lead bismuth eutectic -
Daráţová Ľ., Šagátová A., Fülöp M., Hybler P., Šiplák D., Nečas V. , Čonka K., Chovancová J.
Radiation degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls
Osuský F., Čerba Š., Lüley J., Vrban B., Farkas G., Slugeň V.
Multi-group transient numerical analysis of slab nuclear reactor -
Kutiš V., Jakubec J., Paulech J., Gálik G., Sedlár T.
The influence of orifice diameter on coolant mass flow through fuel assembly of nuclear reactor VVER 440 -
Snopek J., Slugeň V.
Non-destructive characterization of the materials for future nuclear reactors -
Holková D., Sitek J., Novák P., Dekan J.
Radiation influence on properties of nanocrystalline alloys -
Brodziansky T., Sojak S., Slugeň V.
Prolongation of nuclear power plant lifetime
Veterníková J. Š., Degmová J., Slugeň V., Pekarčíková M., Šimko F., Petriska M., Skarba M.
- Session 2(B) - Nuclear science and technology, influence of irradiation on physical properties of materials, radiation detection III.
Vrban B., Čerba Š., Lüley J., Osuský F., Dujčíková L., Haščík J.
Measurement of the neutron emission rate with manganese sulphate bath technique -
Barátová D., Nečas V.
Process-level modelling related to geological disposal of the spent nuclear fuel -
Sedlačková K., Zaťko B., Šagátová A., Nečas V.
Simulation of the thermal neutron semiconductor detector response using MCNPX code -
Lüley J., Vrban B., Čerba Š., Haščík J., Osuský F., Kim S. J.
Validation of higher harmonics calculation methodology -
Pecko S., Petriska M., Slugeň V.
Comparison of lifetime and Doppler broadening PAS techniques of irradiated and annealed JRQ steel
Gálik G., Kutiš V., Jakubec J., Paulech J., Sedlár T.
Thermo-hydraulics of spent fuel storage pool of nuclear reactor VVER 440 -
Hornáček M., Nečas V.
Modelling of nuclear power plants decommissioning tasks – issues and their solution -
Sojak S., Degmová J., Veterniková J. Š., Snopek J., Slugeň V., Petriska M.
Study of oxide dispersion strengthened steels -
Dekan J., Degmová J., Slugeň V.
Examination of corrosion layers in feed water dispersion box using Mössbauer spectroscopy
Vrban B., Čerba Š., Lüley J., Osuský F., Dujčíková L., Haščík J.
- Session 2(C) - Computational physics and theory of physical properties of matter; interdisciplinary physics of condensed matter I.
Racko J., Benko P., Mikolášek M., Grmanová A., Harmatha L., Breza J.
The effect of temperature on trap-assisted and direct tunnelling currents -
Charubin T., Nowak P.
Analysis of reference magnetic fields homogeneity generated by a Helmholtz-like coil measurement system for magnetic field sensors testing
Drahoš P.
Shape memory alloy vs smart material actuators -
Fodran T., Fodran P., Minnaard A. J., Chlpík J., Cirák J.
Thermomechanical properties of Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers of (R)-and (S)-tuberculostearic acid
Racko J., Benko P., Mikolášek M., Grmanová A., Harmatha L., Breza J.
- Session 3(A) - New materials and structures (incl. nanostructures and thin films), their analysis and specific applications II.
Szewczyk R.
Thin layer oriented magnetostatic calculation module for ELMER FEM, based on the method of the moments -
Jurečka S., Matsumoto T., Imamura K., Kobayashi H.
Morphological properties of nanotextured structures prepared on Si surface
Dubecký F., Hubík P., Kindl D., Gombia E., Boháček P., Sekáčová M., Nečas V.
Unexpected current lowering of Mg contact on SI-GaAs -
Minár J.
First principles investigations of magnetically doped topological insulators and ferroelectric materials
Szewczyk R.
- Session 3(B) - Optical phenomena in materials, photovoltaics and photonics, new principles in sensors and detection methods.
Müllerová J., Kaiser M., Nádaţdy V., Mikula M., Ladányi L., Scholtz Ľ.
Broadband spectral study of the impact of the photo-oxidation on absorption strength of P3HT:PCBM -
Scholtz Ľ., Ladányi L., Müllerová J.
Numerical simulations of all optical switching in nonlinear FBGs using XPM and SPM effects
Ladányi L., Scholtz Ľ., Müllerová J.
Numerical analysis of first-order temporal solitons -
Jasenek J., Kaplan N., Červeňová J., Korenko B.
Optical fibre long-Bragg grating sensors for space distribution of induced birefringence
Müllerová J., Kaiser M., Nádaţdy V., Mikula M., Ladányi L., Scholtz Ľ.
- Session 4(A) - Physical properties and structural aspects of solid materials and their influencing I.
Weisze A., Ďuračková D., Kukučka M., Krajčušková Z.
Measurements of pressure influence using pneumatic mapping probe -
Kmječ T., Maryško M., Kohout J., Závěta K., Bezdička P., Plocek J., Štěpánková H., Laguta V. V.
Ba(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3 studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy and SQUID magnetometry -
Horváth Z. J.
Possible physical origins of non-ideal temperature dependence of current-voltage characteristics of Schottky junctions -
Murín J., Goga V., Hrabovský J., Podešva P., Gogola R.
Numerical analysis of the artificial muscle made of fishing line -
Ďáková Ľ., Füzer J., Dobák S., Lauda M., Strečková M., Stoica M.
Influence of pressing time on the magnetic properties of iron-phenolphormaldehyde resin composites -
Jackiewicz D., Szewczyk R., Bieńkowski A.
Possibility of stress monitoring in steel structures with magnetoelastic effect
Salach J., Jackiewicz D., Krześniak M.
Influence of stresses on magnetic properties of 2714A type amorphous alloys -
Hujová E., Áč V., Ličková M., Kasala J.
Study of the CuZn30 alloy microstructure by AFM -
Kovaľaková M., Fričová O., Hronský V., Hutníková M., Olčák D.
Characterization of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and its modifications using 1H NMR -
Kachniarz M., Petruk O., Szewczyk R., Bieńkowski A.
Application of graphene in development of high-sensitivity Hall-effect sensors -
Janotová I., Švec P., Švec P. Jr., Zigo J., Maťko I., Janičkovič D.
Preparation and phase formation of Al-Mn alloys -
Vrábel P., Baran A., Olčák D.
Study of morphology and molecular mobility of polyhydroxybutyrate using 13C NMR spectroscopy -
Pavúk M., Narges Amini, Miglierini M., Degmová J.
Surface morphology of Fe78Si9B13 ribbons
Weisze A., Ďuračková D., Kukučka M., Krajčušková Z.
- Session 4(B) - New materials and structures (incl. nanostructures and thin films), their analysis and specific applications III.
Halaszova S., Velic D.
Preparation of cyclodextrin-iron nanostructures -
Kadlečíková M., Breza J., Kolmačka M., Jesenák K., Hubeňák M., Bálintová M.
Synthesis of carbon nanotubes on colloidal residues after ore mining at the sites near Rudňany and Smolník -
Szundiová B., Zaťko B., Boháček P., Sekáčová M., Nečas V.
Electrical and detection properties of bulk semi-insulating GaAs detectors -
Kohout J., Kmječ T., Kučera M., Závěta K.
CuFe2O4 thin films: hyperfine interactions of 57Fe nuclei and distribution of cations -
Zigo J., Janotová I., Švec P. Jr., Maťko I., Janičkovič D., Švec P.
Kinetics of phase transformations in Si-rich aluminum alloys
Petrus M., Szobolovszky R., Harmatha L., Kosa A., Stuchlikova Ľ., Kovac J.
Characterization of AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures by deep level transient Fourier spectroscopy with optical excitation -
Iliť T., Valko P., Vojs M., Behúl M., Marton M., Skuratov V.
Electrical measurement of an ion induced thermomagnetic effect on a nanosecond time scale -
Nowicki M., Nowak P., Szewczyk R.
Exemplary magnetic properties of bilayered amorphous alloy core -
Zehetner J., Vanko G., Dzuba J., Lalinsky T., Lucki M., Kraus S.
Micro structuring of bulk SiC substrates by femtosecond laser ablation -
Juś A., Kamiński M., Radzikowska-Juś W.
Influence of graphene nanoflakes addition on grease tribological properties
Halaszova S., Velic D.
- Session 5 - Physical properties and structural aspects of solid materials and their influencing II.
Švec P. Jr., Janotova I., Maťko I., Zigo J., Marcin J., Janičkovič D., Škorvánek I., Švec P.
Selected new rapidly quenched soft magnetic systems -
Lančok A., Štíbr B., Volfová L., Kmječ T., Bakardijev M.
Structural characterization of [Fe(η6-C6H6-nMen)2]2+ dications -
Hristoforou E. V., Švec P.
Magnetic steel health monitoring: advances and current state of the art
Olekšáková D., Kollár P., Füzer J.
Structure and magnetic properties of powdered and compacted FeNi alloys -
Onderko F., Dobák S., Kollár P., Kurek P., Bureš R., Fáberová M., Saksl K.
Magnetic properties of VITROVAC/resin composites -
Narges Amini, Dekan J., Novák P., Habibi S., Miglierini M.
Structural properties of amorphous ribbons prepared with different velocities of the quenching wheel
Švec P. Jr., Janotova I., Maťko I., Zigo J., Marcin J., Janičkovič D., Škorvánek I., Švec P.
- Session 6 - Computational physics and theory of physical properties of matter; interdisciplinary physics of condensed matter II.
Vitkovská E., Ballo P.
Grain boundary sliding in iron: effect of vacancy -
Hrabovský J., Gogola R., Murín J., Gálik G.
Modal analysis of overhead power lines at different ambient temperatures
Gogola R., Goga V., Murín J., Hrabovský J., Bohuš J.
Numerical analysis and experimental measurement of eigenfrequencies of ACSR power lines -
Bogár J., Neilinger P., Grajcar M.
Landau-Zener-Stűckelberg interference in qubit-resonator system
Vitkovská E., Ballo P.