- Plenary Session - Introductory lectures
Ballo P., Racko J., Harmatha L.
Why do we need quantum theory? -
Hricovini K., Richter C. M., Heckmann O., Djukic U., Nikolaï L., Gafoor A. M., Mariot M. J., Wang W., Leandersson M., Balasubramanian T., Sadowski J., Kanski J.
Quantized accumulation layer at Bi/InAs interface -
Hristoforou E., Švec P. Sr.
Ultrasensitive magnetometers based on rotational magnetic excitation
- Neilinger P., Rehák M., Hübner U., Il'ichev E., Grajcar M.
Mach–Zehnder interferometry in an artificial quantum two level system- Schmidmayr D., Zehetner J.
Quantum dots, advantages and drawbacks for lighting applications- Szewczyk R., Švec P. Sr., Salach J., Jackiewicz D., Švec P., Bieńkowski A., Zigo J., Winiarski W.
Modelling the anisotropy of magnetic field annealed Fe61Co19Si5B15 amorphous alloy
Ballo P., Racko J., Harmatha L.
- Session 1(A) - Physical properties and structural aspects of solid materials and their influencing I.
Bazovský I., Gregor M., Vančo Ľ., Kadlečíková M., Breza J.
Raman spectroscopy of four antique gems -
Harmatha L., Žiška M., Jančovič P., Fröhlich K., Hrubčín L., Mikolášek M., Benko P., Racko J., Skuratov A. V.
Electro-physical properties of MIM structures after Xe heavy ion irradiation -
Racko J., Ballo P., Benko P., Harmatha L., Grmanová A., Breza J.
Derivation of the tunnelling exchange time for the model of trap-assisted tunnelling -
Uhrinová M., Hronský V., Kovaľaková M., Olčák D.
Analysis of 13C NMR spectra of isotactic polypropylene materia -
Gmuca Š., Kliman J., Venhart M., Hlaváč S., Veselský M., Matoušek V., Petrík K.
Low energy ion backscattering facility
Tkáčová M., Schauer F.
Influence of solvents on UV degradation of polysilanes films -
Konôpka M.
Effect of contacts on the conductance scaling of graphene nano-ribbons -
Stuchlíková Ľ., Jakuš J., Kósa A., Harmatha L., Kováč J., Ściana B., Radziewicz D., Pucicki D., Dawidowski W., Tlaczala M.
The impact of indium and nitrogen concentration on the quality of the InGaAsN/GaAs heterostructures -
Kopča M., Poljovka P.
Environmental impacts on long-term reliability of wiring terminals
Bazovský I., Gregor M., Vančo Ľ., Kadlečíková M., Breza J.
- Session 1(B) - Nuclear science and technology, influence of irradiation on physical properties of materials, radiation detection I.
Degmová J., Fedorov A., Magielsen L.
SEM characterization of pre-stressed T91 steel irradiated in Pb-Bi environment -
Dujčíková L., Vrban B., Lüley J., Čerba Š., Haščík J.
Proposal of heterogeneous GFR control rod design -
Hinca R., Skála L.
Activity measurement algorithm in solid radioactive waste clearance procedure
- Pavúk M., Sitek J., Sedlačková K.
Surface properties of a nanocrystalline Fe-Ni-Nb-B alloy after neutron irradiation- Sojak S., Slugeň V., Petriska M., Veterníková J., Stacho M.
PLEPS study of the chromium influence in RAFM steels- Stacho M., Krnáč Š., Slugeň V., Hinca R., Sojak S.
Aplication of WSP method in analysis of enviromental samples
Degmová J., Fedorov A., Magielsen L.
- Session 2(A) - Physical properties and structural aspects of solid materials and their influencing II.
Butvinová B., Butvin P., Kadlečíková M., Švec P. Sr., Maťko I., Švec P., Janičkovič D.
Magnetic and surface properties of Fe-Nb (Mo, V)-CU-B-Si ribbons -
Kmječ T., Kohout J., Lančok J., Fitl P., Lančok A., Závěta K.
Iron hyperfine fields at the Fe-Au interface -
Kravčák J.
Influence of non-ferromagnetic covers on properties of amorphous ferromagnetic wire -
Šuhajová V., Ziman J.
Influence of the domain structure on the impedance of feromagnetic wire
Ušák E., Ušáková M.
Influence of iron deficiency on electromagnetic behaviour of nanoparticle ferrites -
Ušáková M., Dosoudil R., Ušák E.
Magnetic polymer composites with nanoparticle magnetic filler -
Jackiewicz D., Szewczyk R., Salach J., Bieńkowski A., Kachniarz M.
Stress assessment in construction steel elements utilising magnetoelastic Villari effect -
Nowicki M., Szewczyk R.
Modelling of the magnetovision image with the finite element method -
Sláma J., Šoka M., Grusková A.
Temperature-induced metamagnetism in MgMn ferrite
Butvinová B., Butvin P., Kadlečíková M., Švec P. Sr., Maťko I., Švec P., Janičkovič D.
- Session 2(B) - Nuclear science and technology, influence of irradiation on physical properties of materials, radiation detection II.
Bartošová I., Slugeň V., Wall D., Selim A. F.
Theoretical and experimental characterisation of ODS steels -
Boháček P., Dubecký F., Sekáčová M., Zaťko B.
Temperature dependences of current-voltage characteristics on metal/semi-insulating GaAs structures -
Bouhaddane A., Farkas G., Slugeň V., Ackermann L., Schienbein M.
Radionuclide inventory calculation in VVER and BWR reactor -
Bugyjás J., Gröller G., Horváth M., Horváth Z. J., Kovács F. Z., Molnár Z. K., Pap E. A., Priegl G., Szebeni M.
Design considerations of luminaires for nuclear power plants -
Čerba Š., Lee Ch. H., Vrban B., Lüley J., Nečas V.
Optimization of the material composition of a small space reactor
Lüley J., Vrban B., Haščík J., Čerba Š.
Sensitivity analysis in nuclear power engineering -
Šimeg Veterníková J., Degmová J., Slugeň V.
Applicability of positron annihilation methods for corrosion study -
Vrban B., Lüley J., Čerba Š., Haščík J.
Conventional cross section adjustment method in nuclear power engineering -
Dekan J., Slugeň V.
Mössbauer study of ODS steels -
Slugeň V.
Strategy of a Slovak back-end part of nuclear energy and financing of decommissionig of NPP A1
Bartošová I., Slugeň V., Wall D., Selim A. F.
- Session 3(A) - Optical phenomena in materials, photovoltaics and photonics, new principles in sensors and detection methods I.
Szewczyk R., Salach J., Ruokolainen J., Råback P., Nowicki M.
Forward transformation for high resolution eddy current tomography using Whitney elements -
Vlk J., Sopko B.
The influence of zeolite-based filters on the selectivity of semiconductor gas sensor -
Záluský R., Ďuračková D., Stopjaková V., Brenkuš J., Mihálov J., Majer L., Sedlák V., Kováčik T., Černák M.
Parametric test of antennas using the neural networks
Sedlák V., Ďuračková D., Zalusky R., Kováčik T., Černák M., Schwierz F.
A survey on separation methods for quality enhancement of affected signals -
Zápražný Z., Korytár D., Šiffalovič P., Jergel M.
X-ray crystal optics for analyser based imaging -
Hronec P., Škriniarová J., Pudiš D., Kováč J., Benčurová A., Nemec P.
Far field measurements of PhC LED prepared by e-beam lithography -
Vajda J., Vančo M.
Theory of the optical radiation scattering in media with periodically changing permittivity in Bragg regime
Szewczyk R., Salach J., Ruokolainen J., Råback P., Nowicki M.
- Session 3(B) - New materials and structures (incl. nanostructures and thin films), their analysis and specific applications I.
Benkovičová M., Kotlár M., Jergel M., Šiffalovič P., Vojtko A., Végsö K., Luby Š., Majková E.
Preparation of metallic nanorods for plasmonic applications by chemical way -
Dubecký F., Osvald J., Kindl D., Hubík P., Gombia E., Šagátová A., Boháček P., Sekáčová M., Nečas V., Mudroň J.
Photocurrent spectroscopy of semi-insulating GaAs M-S-M diodes with a new contact metallization -
Janotová I., Zigo J., Švec P., Maťko I., Janičkovič D., Švec P. Sr.
Phase transformation in Fe-B(Si)-C-(Cu) soft magnetic systems
Žemlička M., Neilinger P., Rehák M., Trgala M., Manca D., Hübner U., Il´ichev E., Grajcar M.
Transport properties of nanobridges created on molybdenum carbide superconduting thin films -
Ladányi L., Scholtz Ľ., Müllerová J.
Investigation of modulation instability in the case of super- gaussian and soliton pulses -
Scholtz Ľ., Korček D., Ladányi L., Müllerová J.
Temperature dependence of TWDM narrow band thin film filters for the next generation PON stage 2 (NG-PON2)
Benkovičová M., Kotlár M., Jergel M., Šiffalovič P., Vojtko A., Végsö K., Luby Š., Majková E.
- Session 4(A) - Optical phenomena in materials, photovoltaics and photonics, new principles in sensors and detection methods II.
Jasenek J., Červeňová J., Korenko B.
New trends in development of magnetic-field Bragg-grating fiber optic sensors based on magnetic nanofluids -
Červeňová J., Jasenek J., Korenko B.
Magnetic-field fiber optic sensors using magnetic nanofluids -
Gmucová K., Nádaždy V., Kaiser M., Tkáčová M.
Electrochemical characterisation of photovoltaic thin films -
Váry T., Chlpík J., Čík G., Bombarová K., Cirák J.
Physical properties of 2D heterojunction thiophene-fullerene structure for organic photovoltaics
Bombarová K., Chlpík J., Cirák J.
Spectroscopic ellipsometry and reflectometry model for organic layers -
Kaiser M., Nádaždy V.
Influence of defect states on the electrical parameters of P3HT:PCBM solar cell -
Müllerová J., Nádaždy V., Scholtz Ľ., Ladányi L.
P3HT:PCBM blends for bulk heterojunction solar cells: influence of solvent and thermal annealing on excitonic absorption
Jasenek J., Červeňová J., Korenko B.
- Session 4(B) - Nuclear science and technology, influence of irradiation on physical properties of materials, radiation detection III
Sabelová V., Kršjak V., Slugeň, V.
Investigation of helium-induced embrittlement -
Šagátová A., Zaťko B., Hybler P., Sedlačková K., Nečas V.
Influence of electron irradiation on electrical properties of GaAs detectors -
Sedlačková K., Šagátová A., Zaťko B., Nečas V.
MCNPX calculations for electron irradiated semiconductor detectors
Pecko S., Gokhman A., Slugeň V.
Estimation of shear modulus of neutron irradiated induced precipitates in Russian type of reactor pressure vessel steels -
Sitek J., Dekan J., Sedlačková K., Šagátová A.
Analysis of radiation demaged nanocrystals
Sabelová V., Kršjak V., Slugeň, V.
- Session 5(A) - New materials and structures (incl. nanostructures and thin films), their analysis and specific applications II.
Kostič I., Glezos N., Konečníková A., Matay L., Nemec P., Písečný P., Velessiotis D.
Limits to nanopatterning based on e-beam lithography -
Murín J., Hrabovský J., Paulech J., Kutiš V.
Effective material properties calculation of the FGm Bar structures -
Novák P., Dobročka E., Búc D., Kováč J.
Determination of residual stress in thin film by GIXRD
Rehák M., Neilinger P., Žemlička M., Manca D., Hübner U., Il’ichev E., Grajcar M.
Switching effect in SQUIDs coupled by Josephson junction -
Zigo J., Švec P., Janičkovič D., Janotová I., Maťko I., Švec P. Sr.
Structure of new Al-Si based RQ systems with potentially enhanced stiffness -
Hrkút P., Andok R., Benčurová A., Nemec P., Konečníková A., Matay L., Haščík Š.
RIE plasma etching of GaAs in SiCl4 and CCl4 gases with different resists as etch masks
Kostič I., Glezos N., Konečníková A., Matay L., Nemec P., Písečný P., Velessiotis D.
- Session 5(B) - Computational physics and theory of physical properties of matter; biophysics and interdisciplinary physics of condensed matter
Gálik G., Kutiš V., Murín J., Lalinský T.
3D FEM model of piezoelectric SAW sensor -
Osuský F., Vrban B., Čerba Š., Lüley J., Haščík J.
Two-group numerical analysis of one dimmensional table nuclear reactor -
Vitkovská E., Ballo P., Šípková V.
Genetic algorithm: Grain boundary sliding and migration
Černák M., Ďuračková D., Kováčik T., Sedlák V., Záluský R.
Image segmentation methods -
Kováčik T., Ďuračková D., Sedlák V., Černák M., Záluský R.
Implementation of sobel edge detector in to FPGA -
Paulech J., Hrabovský J., Murín J., Kutiš V.
Thermoelectric link finite element for FGM materials
Gálik G., Kutiš V., Murín J., Lalinský T.